Bufflehead Canoe Plans

Lines view of the Freighter Canoe

The Bufflehead Canoe Plans offer a 14 ft., 30 lbs. canoe that is the perfect go to boat to enjoy the water and relax after work.

This is one of those boats that I think everyone should have. Lets face it, every now and then you just want to grab a boat and hit the water for a couple hours after work.Bufflehead2.jpg So what stops you? Usually it is the perceived hassle of loading up the boat and actually getting on the water. No one ever regrets it once they are there. Bufflehead is the no hassle way to get to the water. At just 14' and a scant 30 lbs or so, there just isn't any reason not to get on the water for that last couple of hours before sunset.

buffleheadThis boat is a close relative to the "Little Rob" in functionality. The "Little Rob" is designed for a comfortable sit on the bottom style of paddling with a kayak paddle where "Bufflehead" is more of a traditional canoe with a seat and yoke for those more comfortable up off the bottom or in a kneeling position. You can also add a seat back for comfort if you choose. With a full 33" beam you will find Bufflehead stable and a joy to paddle.

We strongly recommend that you purchase the streaming video with the plans. However, we realize that for some of you this may not be your first time building a strip boat and have given you the option.


  • Canoe Statistics:

    Max Beam = 33"

    Length overall = 14'

    Capacity = 250lbs comfortably

    Built Weight @ 40 lbs

    Recomended power: 1 human

The Full Size plans and patterns are included in the base price and shipping in the U.S. is Free.

Please choose below from our recomended options

* Videos:

* Bead & Cove bits:

* Shipped to U.S.:

Sandy Point Boat Works
PO Box 687
Carver MA 02330

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